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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

mtDNA haplogroup U7

Today, I want show some data about mtDNA haplogroup U7 because U7 is found in high frequencies in Iranic people  including Kurds from Iran. Additionally, I started to use different methods to show how these groups are related to each other.

The current scientific database (Genbank) has 28 fully sequenced U7's, presented here (using CLUSTALW)

The same U7 mtDNA data in a Phylogram:

The same U7 mtDNA data in a Cladogram:

The same U7 mtDNA data in ClusterNetwork:

The same U7 mtDNA data in ConvexHull:

 Either way, the mtDNA haplogroup U7 of Kurdish individuals (not fully sequenced) most likely belongs to the same cluster as the Armenian, the Azeris, and the Iranian. The Turkish and Russian individuals somehow belong to this cluster. Mutations that occur in at least two individuals of this cluster are G143A, T146C, T195C, T310C, T6221C, C12063T, A14047N, A15322G, T16126C, and C16148T. C151T is another typical mutation for this cluster but it is found in the Bedouin, the Iranian Jew, and in samples of South Asia. It almost seems like C151T is the ancestral haplotype and 151C is an old mutation on the early stages of U7.

So, let's see where we can find U7 individuals with these Middle Eastern mutations.

The FTDNA U7 Haplogroup Project has 69 individuals with mtDNA haplogroup U7
1. G143A was found in one individual from Turkey (184281). This individual also has the T146C and the T16126C mutation. This combination was also seen in HM852791(Azeri 17) and HM852823(Iranian 26), however, with an additional T195C mutation, which is lacking in the Turkish individual. FTDNA labeled this individual as U7a4.
2.  The individuals N68725 [Russia, Konakovo (Tver region)] and 130444 [Leah Tatlock 1824-1887 North Carolina] have the T16126C and C16148T, and the T195C mutation. FTDNA labeled these individuals as U7a4 as well.
3. The individual 161466 (Circassian of Northern Caucasus Mtns) has all the private mutations that only occurred in HM852853(Turk187) Schoenberg. They are identical based on the currently tested mutations. FTDNA labeled the individual 161466 as U7a.
4. The individuals N96539 [ Punjabi (Lahore)], N12921 (India) and N12396 (Nicolosi, Dagata, Italy) have the same T16093C that was described in AY714004(India), Palanichamy. The same mutation was also seen in the Assyrian 62118 (Jacob) from the Assyrian Heritage DNA Project.
5. A lot individuals from all over the world seem to have the C151T mutation.  This includes the individuals named above and a lot of more:
130441 ( Hudie Moschel b.c. 1820 Zalipie, Ukraine; U7a),
94738 Tillekeratne (unknown European origin; U7),
N31946 (Francesca Borg ab. 1872-1940, Malta),
N62232 (need earliest known maternal ancestor info),
189085 (Manglaben Thaker d.1980, India), 138807 ( Unknown),
156252 (need earliest known maternal ancestor info; U7a),
94467 (Cyrla Moskowicz, Poland),
N34983 (Johanna Greenwald, b 1846, Bielefeld, Germany),
158177 (Ukraine),
136319 (Liza Shafran, born Bobryisk, Belarus in 1941),
N44575 (Bella Glezer, Belarus),
59953 (Fredia Elias, b.c.1824, Kepno, Kaliz, Poland)
51408 (Roschen Cohen, Hamburg, Germany, late 1700's)
C151T can be found in the Middle East, South India and Europe.

The FTDNA Finland DNA project has 3 individuals with mtDNA haplogroup U7
N28814 Finland, Hailuoto
E11886 Margaretha Pehrsdt Koivu, 1671-1766, Haapavesi
75837 Susanna Henrikintytär,1696-1785,Kalajoki,Finland
All three have the Finnish specific A16166- deletion. The individuals E11886 and 75837 have additional information about HVR2 mutations and both show the Finnish specific 291.1A mutation, just like the GenBank data of GQ176284 and AY339548 from Finland. None of them has the U7 Middle Eastern mutations.

The FTDNA Scottich DNA project has one individual with mtDNA haplogroup U7
199889  Douglas  Lettie Jane Ward, 1898-1991
This individual mtDNA is closest to EU597503 (Bedouin,Israel) with the same mutations (309.1C, 315.1C, C522-, A523- and especially G16129A).


  1. Today, I want show some data about mtDNA haplogroup U7 because U7 is considered as Iranic

    U7 is found in so many ethnic groups all over West Eurasia that it is wrong to consider it as Iranic. Its spread surely predates the dispersal of the Iranic languages by many millennia.

  2. You are right, I changed the sentence. It is very present in and near Iran though.

    1. Thanks for the correction. Its relatively high frequency in what is now Iran and the nearby regions must be much older than the spread of the Iranic languages too.

    2. ALL this stuff? if you guys are muslims then i will share with u i have been fortunate to see the Prophet 10 Times and also i have dreamt i moslty J2 i had no idea what this meant i knew i have iraqi kurdish hritage! so i googled j2 and indeed i saw the kurds in iraq are mostly j2 28.4% and also read the iraqi kurds are closest to semitic jews i didnt believe it i dreamt a map of iraq ans i saw the iraqi kurds coming side by side to the semitic jews and i did some searching after i got this
      In human genetics, Haplogroup J (previously known as HG9 or Eu9/Eu10) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is one of the major male lines of all living men. It is divided into two main branches referred to as J1 and J2. wikipedia))))
      The relationship of the five modal haplotypes that were found in the six populations is presented in figure 3. The most-frequent haplotype in all three Jewish groups (the CMH [haplotype 159 in the Appendix]) segregated on a Eu 10 background, together with the three modal haplotypes in Palestinians and Bedouin (haplotypes 144, 151, and 166).((( The dominant haplotype of the Muslim Kurds (haplotype 114) was only one microsatellite-mutation step apart from the CMH and the modal haplotype of the Bedouin, but it belonged to haplogroup Eu 9. )))The three modal haplotypes in the Palestinians and Bedouin were entirely restricted to the two Arab populations. On the other hand, chromosomes with the modal haplotypes of the Jews and of the Muslim Kurds were observed in all the populations except the Bedouin. The three Jewish communities had many additional haplotypes in common with Muslim Kurds (table 3). They shared more haplotypes and chromosomes with Muslim Kurds than with either Palestinians or Bedouin.

    3. Many Kurds have the "Jewish" Cohen Modal Haplotype

      In the 1990s, a team of scientists (including the geneticist Michael Hammer, the nephrologist Karl Skorecki, and their colleagues in England) discovered the existence of a haplotype which they termed the "Cohen modal haplotype" (abbreviated as CMH). Cohen is the Hebrew word for "priest", and designates descendants of Judean priests from two thousand years ago. Initial research indicated that while only about 3 percent of general Jews have this haplotype, 45 percent of Ashkenazic Cohens have it, while 56 percent of Sephardic Cohens have it. David Goldstein, an evolutionary geneticist at Oxford University, said: "It looks like this chromosomal type was a constituent of the ancestral Hebrew population." Some Jewish rabbis used the Cohen study to argue that all Cohens with the CMH had descended from Aaron, a High Priest who lived about 3500 years ago, as the Torah claimed. Shortly after, it was determined that 53 percent of the Buba clan of the Lemba people of southern Africa have the CMH, compared to 9 percent of non-Buba Lembas. The Lembas claim descent from ancient Israelites, and they follow certain Jewish practices such as circumcision and refraining from eating pork, and for many geneticists and historians the genetic evidence seemed to verify their claim.

      However, it soon became apparent that the CMH is not specific to Jews or descendants of Jews. In a 1998 article in Science News, Dr. Skorecki indicated (in an interview) that some non-Jews also possess the Cohen markers, and that the markers are therefore not "unique or special".(((((( The CMH is very common among Iraqi Kurds, according to a 1999 study by C. Brinkmann et al.)))))))))) And in her 2001 article, Oppenheim wrote: "The dominant haplotype of the Muslim Kurds (haplotype 114) was only one microsatellite-mutation step apart from the CMH..." (Oppenheim 2001, page 1100). Furthermore, the CMH is also found among some Armenians, according to Dr. Levon Yepiskoposyan (Head of the Institute of Man in Yerevan, Armenia), who has studied genetics for many years. Dr. Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin wrote: "The suggestion that the 'Cohen modal haplotype' is a signature haplotype for the ancient Hebrew population is also not supported by data from other populations." (Zoossmann-Diskin 2000, page 156).

      In short, the CMH is a genetic marker from the northern Middle East which is not unique to Jews. However, its existence among many Kurds and Armenians, as well as some Italians and Hungarians, would seem to support the overall contention that Kurds and Armenians are the close relatives of modern Jews and that the majority of today's Jews have paternal ancestry from the northeastern Mediterranean region.

    4. The closest relatives of Jews are the Christian minorities of the Middle East, e.g. Assyrians.

      Assyrians were not included in these "old" studies.

  3. this is truthful
    Y-DNA Haplogroups in Iraqi Kurdistan

    (J2 - 28.4% semitic)

    R1b - 16.8%

    I - 16.8%

    R1a - 11.6%

    (J1 - 11.6% semitic)

    E1b1b - 7.4%

    G - 4.2%

    T - 3.2

    1. J2 and J1 are genetic haplogroups, not language families.

      Y-haplogroup J2 is barely present in Arabs.

      Y-haplogroup J1 in Arabs is mostly J1b2b1 L222.2+. See my blog post here:

  4. The Genetics of Modern Assyrians and their Relationship to Other People of the Middle East

    by Dr. Joel J. Elias - Professor (Emeritus), University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco

    Posted: Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:55 am CST

    References and Footnotes

    Cavalli-Sforza, L.L., Menozzi, P. and Piazza, A. The History and Geography of Human Genes. 1994. Princeton University Press. Unabridged Edition. As above, Abridged Paperback Edition. 1996. Contains the text of the Unabridged Edition, but not the hundreds of pages of genetic maps; has an index, and references to literature that were cited in the text. Only the unabridged version has the references for research articles that were used to arrive at each population group's genetic analysis, listed by name for each population; also, the tables of gene frequencies. 2a. Cavalli-Sforza, L.L. Genes, Peoples, and Languages. 2000. North Point Press (division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux), New York. The book is a summation of the author's work written for the general reader.

    What is intersting the Assyrians are very close to their Muslim neighbours in Iraq,Jordan, and Lebanon, well those of Bedouin origins are more related to the Saudis and Yemenites. Also the Saudi, Yemenite, and Bedouins form their own Caucasoid minor cluster which seperates them from other Middle Easterners and Europeans being an almost isolate sub-racial group. The Bedouins like the Gypsies in Europe, differ in their genetic makeup from their host populations, and show a direct link to Arabia. Well Iraqis being the closet people to modern day Assyrians, showing that Arabization of Iraq was in fact a lingusitic and cultural transition, however their was also the breif peroid of Persianization. Then its followed by Jordanians and Lebanese.((( The Iraqi Kurds are very close to Assyrians in their genetic makeup, and probably have shifted into an Iranic tongue.))) Thus all groups in Iraq decent from a common ancester with a limited gene flow from various male invaders, who intermarried with the local female population. Jordanian, Lebanese, Turks also cluster closer to Assyrians,((( but not as strong as the Iraqi Arab or Kurds))), showing again their common genetic ancestery.
    this is only part of it also people forget the kurds are from medes and the medes did mix with the chaldeans

    1. The Assyrians are not that close to their Muslim neighbors, the Assyrians are closer to their Christian (Armenians) neighbors and Jews.

      Genetically, there is a clear cut within Iraq, and this can be seen in the biogeographical ancestry of individuals:

      The Kurdish cluster is merged with the Iranian cluster but it is not merged with the Assyrian cluster or the Arab cluster.

      Based on genetic data from Iraq I can clearly predict if one is Arab, Assyrian or Kurd.

  5. and back up what i said about what i dreamt a map of iraq and i saw the iraqi kurds coming side by side to the semitic jews have a look at this go to figure 4 this stuff i found after what i dreamt

  6. on 30/08/12

    I have dreamt the greeks and Kurds are same and that the Kurds are from the Edomites idumeans(adites)


    on 17/03/12 I dreamt the asians also have a little bit of Hittite background


    on 02/09/12

    I dreamt of north africa and the berbers come from the Hittites who come from the Adites MashaaAllaah


    on 08/15/12 I dreamt there is no such thing as the amalekites the Imliq are from the Ad


    no date 2 times i dreamt the Lydians were in North africa and 1 time they are the Hittites!


    on 09/30/12 i dreamt the kurds are from hittite royalty

  7. 07/07/12i dreamt the Arameans absorbed the amorites

    I have also dreamt of the people of Lud in saudia arabia and i saw nur on 23/11/11 i dreamt the amlaq(imliq) were the giant people

    Ibn Khaldun

    Historian and scholar, Ibn Khaldun also mentions the Thamud several times in his great universal history al-Kitābu l-ʻibār ("Book of Evidence"), but only in passing, seldom giving much information.

    Some examples from the Muqaddimah ("Introduction"):

    This can be illustrated by what happened among the nations. When the royal authority of 'Ad was wiped out, their brethren, the Thamud, took over. They were succeeded, in turn, by their brethren, the Amalekites. The Amalekites were succeeded by their brethren, the Himyar. The Himyar were succeeded by their brethren, the Tubba's, who belonged to the Himyar. They, likewise, were succeeded, by the Adhwa'. Then, the Mudar came to power.

    —Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah Chapter II Bedouin civilization, savage nations and tribes and their conditions of life, including several basic and explanatory statements, 21 As long as a nation retains its group feeling, royal authority that disappears in one branch will, of necessity, pass to some other branch of the same nation ( note amalekites are the Imliq) "

    'Imliq is the father of the Amalekites from whom came the berbers,who are children of Thamila bin Maarib bin Faaraan bin 'Amr bin 'Imliq bin Lud bin Sam(Shem) bin Nuh (Noah)PBH

    .prophets and patriarchs

  8. imliq mixed with adites, first the ad then thamud then imliq succeeded the first two

  9. However, the Arab historian Abu al-Hasan 'Alī al-Mas'ūdī, citing 'traditional' Arab history, relates that the Amalekites did indeed exist at this early period having originated in the region of Mecca before the time of Abraham. wikipedia
    According to Arab historians such as Ibn Khaldun and Ali ibn al-Athir, Amalek is a name given to the Amorites and the Canaanites.

  10. this is kurdish i have also been fortunate to see Prophet Abraham PBH this kurdish singer is similar !! not same but similar Prophet Abraham PBH has a oval face , upside dwn v eyebrows, v hairline and a beautiful curve to his nose bridge not making it look hooked or jagged

  11. I now know who the user "Unknownn" is:
    Husayn stop using copy/paste from here
    and here
    and here

    Start using your own brain and your own words or spam somewhere else.

  12. My Dad's Maternal mTDNA came out U7a3 (FMS N113045). We are south Indian.
    Curiously, my mtDNA is C4a1 (Does not match the NE Indian variety which appears Tibetan). Both C4a1 and U7 are very uncommon in India. I wonder what the ancestral migration that links all of these groups are...
