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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

mtDNA of Kurds Part III

Just a new update. For the first (as far as I know), we have some mtDNA data of an Yezidi Kurd.
He is H14.

23andme data:
1x C4b (Alevi)
1x H5a1 (Sorani)
1x H14 (Yezidi)
1x H15a (Sorani, mtDNA fully sequenced here and here)
1x H15b (Sorani)
1x HV (Sorani)
1x HV (Kurmanji from Zakho)
1x J1b (Sorani)
1x J2a1a  (Kurd from Turkey)
1x N1b1 (Alevi)
1x U1a1 (Zaza)
1x U1a1 (Sorani)
1x U8b (Feyli)

So where else do we find H14?
Most known H14 cases worldwide are actually downstream of H14, i.e. H14a and H14a1, but this particular Yezidi belongs to the roots of H14. At, there is only one complete mtDNA sequence from Turkey (no ethnicity named) with the mtDNA haplogroup H14.

Here are the available data summarized by Ian Logan:

H14 7645 10217  
1. AM263182(Turk) Roostalu            H14     
H14a 16256 16352  
2. AM263183(Armenia) Roostalu         H14a
3. AY738951(Italy) Achilli            H14a
4. EF660990(Chile) Gasparre (INCOMP)  H14a
5. GQ983090(Italy) Santoro            H14a
6. JN609592(Turkey) FTDNA             H14a      
H14a1 146 7864 11002 12870  
7. EF556163 Behar2008                 H14a1 

Another case of H14a (not H14) is described in the Armenian DNA project:
 H14a  16256T, 16295T, 16352C 150T, 263G, 309.1C, 309.2C, 315.1C
I know of one Syriac Orthodox Assyrian with H14a as well.
Family Tree DNA has a project dedicated for H14 only
Unfortunately, the few cases do not have any information about ethnicity, 
only the 'map function' gives you a hint.
 Other scientific sources for mtDNA H14: In Brandstätter et al. (2006), H14 (H14a not tested) was also found Tyrol/Austria at a very low frequency (7/859 = 0.8%).

Rootstalu et al., 2007:
Here is a nice map from that summarizes occurrence of the different subclades of mtDNA haplogroup H.