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Friday, January 18, 2013

Data Sink for

Onur, one of my readers suggested:

It would be nice if you put together all your useful genetic-related blog data in a data sink such as the one employed by the owner of the Vaedhya blog and update your data sink according to the changes in your blog data, so that it becomes much easier to browse and access your blog data.

So I did exactly that, here is the link for the data sink.

It is also accessible on the right side in the category "DATA".

It also contains STR111 values of more than 5000 individuals from all public project and STR values of more than 5000 individuals from various scientific publications.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

R1a1a STR111 tree

Today, I want to update the STR111 tree of R1a1a that I have presented earlier here and here. I have now collected a much larger number of samples, which makes the tree more complex. Since a lot of individuals in this tree are in the R1a1a and subclades project, I added the group name of all these individuals. Of course, this tree is based on STR data only, so the initial branching of the different SNPs can be off, e.g. Z93+ is split into multiple clusters. However, some clusters are fairly robust in terms of structure and subbranching.

Rectangular tree of R1a1a STR111 (as pdf):

Polar tree of R1a1a STR111 (as pdf):

Due to the size of the tree I split the tree into pieces. Let's look into the details:
As mentioned the initial branching in the STR111 tree is pretty messy with no clear clustering but overlapping of various SNPs. At least N86494 from Belarus with M417- ended up in the pole position. Besides very small clusters from Ireland and England and a mix of Z93+ individuals (L657+ and L657-) from Central Asia and Middle East, the first clear cluster in this tree is "4. A2. Z283+ M458+ L260+ Central European branch, West Slavic subclade", most individuals are from Poland.

Next, the narrow "9. E1. Z93+ Z94+ Z2122+ "Ashkenazi-Levite" cluster" emerges. The closest isolate individual to this R1a1a Ashkenazi-Levite cluster is the Iraqi Kurdish individual H1483. I described this close genetic proximity in some earlier posts (here and here) when STR data were still very limited, but now we have STR111 data of H1483 confirming the predicted proximity.
Other close matches to the Ashkenazi-Levite cluster are 116213 from Palestine and two Scots (162927 and 221184).

On the next two parts, we have the Z280+ individuals forming a lot of clusters, one of them is the cluster "6. J1. Z280+ CTS1211+ (CTS3402+) Southern Baltic type". Within this large mega-cluster a few Z93+ isolated individuals and isolated clusters sneaked in, e.g. the "9. C7. Z93+ Z94+ L657- Z2122-, Arabic II" cluster, and the "9. C5. Z93+ Z94+ L657-(?), Bashkirs" cluster.

Next, we have no real clustering but a mess...

Next, the nice "Z280+ CT1211+ (CTS3402-) Carpathian cluster" comes up with a clear cut between P278+ and P278- individuals.

Next, the second group of M458+ individuals appears (L260- only) forming a nice cluster. This "Z283+ M458+ L1029+ L260-" is a Central European branch.

Next, we have a mix of individuals from both major branches (Z93 and Z283) followed by CTS3402+ individuals from Eastern Europe.

Next, we have a mix, no real clustering.

Next, we have Z284+ individuals forming a cluster:
Next, we have the L664+ individuals forming a large nice cluster. Based on the current R1a SNP tree, L664+ was a very early split.  Most of these individuals are from the UK and Ireland.

Next, the Z92+ cluster emerges with people mostly from Eastern Europe.

Next, we have the Z284+ individuals forming two clusters, the Z288+/Z287+ cluster and a cluster of Z287- individuals.

Finally, the last cluster in this this tree: Z284+, L448+.

If you are getting confused by all these abbreviations, then this is okay. For clarification, I can recommend this schematic tree made by Michal.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Haplogroup J1 (L222.2-) tree STR111

Today, I want to present the haplogroup J1 tree with STR111 data. Most of the tested individuals are from the Arabian peninsula, form a narrow cluster and have the haplogroup J1b2b1 (aka J1c3d2) L222.2+, which could be seen in my previous J1 tree. I excluded those L222.2+ from the new tree, and Roberto Raciti helped me collecting all J1 L222.2- individuals with STR111 data (N=179).

Here are the results.

I highlighted Anatolian cluster in cyan to turquoise.
I highlighted Jewish clusters in orange to brownish.
I highlighted Arab clusters in pink to purple.

Rectangular tree of J1 L222.2- STR111 (as pdf):

Polar tree of J1 L222.2- STR111 (as pdf):

Edit 02/26/13:
I added six more individuals (N=185).
Rectangular tree of J1 L222.2- STR111 (as pdf):

Polar tree of J1 L222.2- STR111 (as pdf):

Edit 03/27/13:
I added sixteen more individuals (N=201).
Rectangular tree of J1 L222.2- STR111 (as pdf):

Polar tree of J1 L222.2- STR111 (as pdf):

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kurdish mtDNA data VIII

Just an update:

1x B4b1a (Kurd from Turkey) 
1x C4b (Alevi Kurmanji)
1x G2a (Sorani)
1x H CRS (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
6x H (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
2x H with T16311C  (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x H with C16218T (=H1ag1a or H1aq1 or H20) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x H with C16192R, C16261T (similar to: JN415470(Italy-LHON) Achilli Haplogroup H 19-AUG-2012 (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x H5  16051G, 16255A, 16304C, 16319A, 16327T, 263G, 315.1C, 456T (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)  1x H5a1 (Sorani)
1x H13a2 (Alevi Kurmanji from Dersim)
1x H14 (Yezidi)
1x H14a with T16311C, C16256T, T16352C (=H14a +T16311C ) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x H15a1 (Sorani; mtDNA fully sequenced here and here)
1x H15b (Sorani)
1x H15b T16086C (close to EU600353(Druze) Shlush)(Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x HV* CRS (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x HV* 16174 (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x HV1a1 C16067T, C16355T (=HV1a1) (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x HV2 C16168T, T16189C, T16217C, C16287T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x HV (Sorani)
1x HV (Kurmanji from Zakho)
1x I1a G16129A, C16168T, T16172C, 16173, C16223T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x I with G16129A, C16223T (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x I1a1d with G16129A, C16223T, T16172C, T16189C, C16083T, C16355T (=I1a1d+C16083T, C16355T) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x I5a (Zaza from Dersim)
1x J1b C16069T, T16126C, G16145A, C16222T, A16235G, C16261T, T16311C (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x J1b (Sorani)
2x J1b1b1 C16069T, T16126C, G16145A, C16261T, 16519C, A73G, A263G, C295T, 309.1C    315.1C, C462T, T489C, 523DEL, 524DEL   (very close to JF939049(Armenian)) (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x J1b4 C16069T, T16126C, G16145A, C16222T, C16261T C16278T, C16287T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x J1c (Alevi Kurmanji from Dersim)
1x J1c2m (old J1c2a)  C16069T, T16126C, 16148T, A73G, 185A, 228A, A263G, C295T, 315.1C, C462T, T489C, 523DEL, 524DEL  (close to JQ797801 from Romania and  JQ797802 from West-Siberia (Khanty))(Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)  
1x J1d (Feyli, originally from Iran)
1x J1d (Kurd from Iraq)
1x J2a1a  (Kurd from Turkey)
1x J2b1 (Kurd from Iraq/Iran)
1x JT with T16126C, C16067T, T16311C (=JT) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x K1a T16093C, T16224C, T16311C (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x K 16129, T16224C, T16311C (= K1a11 or K2b2) (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x K with T16224C, T16311C (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
2x K with T16224C, T16311C, T16093C, C16260T (=K1a1+C16260T, or K1a17a+T16093C)(Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x K with T16224C, T16311C, A16240G (=K+A16240G) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x K with T16224C, T16311C, A16272G (=K+A16272G) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x L3e5 16037G, A16041G, C16223T, A73G, C150T, A263G, 315.1C, T398C, 523DEL, 524DEL
(Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x M1a1 G16129A, 16182C, 16183C, T16189C, C16223T, T16249C, T16311C, T16359C, C16360T, T16519C, A73G, T195C, A263G, 309.1C, 309.2C, 315.1C, T489C (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x N1b1 (Alevi Kurmanji from Dersim)
1x N1b1 with C16223T, G16145A, C16176G (=N1b1) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x N2a with C16223T, T16086C, G16153A, G16319A (=N2a+T16086C) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x R0 16519C, 16524C, A263G, 315.1C (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)                               1x R0 16368C, 16519C, A263G, 309.1C, 315.1C (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)   
1x R2 with C16071T, G16145A, C16234 (=R2 +G16145A+C16234) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x T1 (Feyli)
1x T1a7 T16126C, A16163G, C16186T, T16189C, G16274A, C16294T, T16519C, A73G, A263G, 309.1C, 315.1C, A512G  (close to EU935435(Egypt) Kujanova and JQ798027 (Israel))(Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x T2a1b2b with T16126C, C16294T, C16296T, C16256T, A16317G (=T2a1b2b +A16317G) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x T1b T16126C, A16163G, T16189C, T16243C, A16247G, C16294T, T16519C, A73G, 152C, A263G, 309.1C, 315.1C, 524.1A, 524.2C (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x T2b (Kurd from Turkey)
1x U1a1 (Zaza)
1x U1a1a (Sorani) with A11467G,  A12308G,  G12372A, C285T,  T12879C,  A13104G, A14070G, G15148A, A15954C, T16249C, C2218T, G14364A, T16189C, G4991A, G6026A, T7581C, A385G, 3158.1T, G3591A, A13422G, G9575A, C2836T, G4659A, 573.1C, 573.2C, A10283G, (309.1C), (315.1C), (523-), (524-), (16182C), (16183C), (16519C) (=U1a1a; shares C2836T, G4659A mutation with Indian samples HM156682(India) Govindaraj 
1x U1a1 with A16182C, A16183C, T16189C, T16249C (=U1a1) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x U1b C16111T, 16214A, T16249C, G16319A, C16327T, T16519C, A73G, T146C, T152C, A263G, C285T, 315.1C, 572T (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x U2 (Alevi with Zaza ancestry)
1x U3 with A16343G (=U3) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x U3c with A16343G, C16193T, T16249C (=U3c) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x U3c C16193T, T16249C, A16343G, G16526A, A73G, C150T, A263G, 315.1C  (close to HM852797(Azeri34) and HM852803(Azeri42) Schoenberg)(Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)   
1x U4 T16356C, T16519C, A73G, T195C, A263G, 309.1C, 315.1C, G499A, 524.1A, 524.2C
(Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x U5 T16093C, T16189C, C16270T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x U5a1 (Kurmanji from Dohuk)
1x U7 C16069T, A16227G, C16278T, A16318C, T16359C (very close to HM852853(Turk 187) Schoenberg) (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x U7 C16192T, A16309G, A16318T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x U7 T16243C, A16309G, A16318T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x U7 A16309G, A16318T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x U7a A16309G, A16318T, T16519C, A73G, C151T, T152C, A263G, 309.1C, 315.1C, 523DEL, 524DEL (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x U8b1a1 A16066G, G16129A, C16169T, A16183C, T16189C, C16234T, T16311C (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x U8b C16111T, T16172C, A16183C, T16189C, T16311C (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x U8b (Feyli)
1x W C16223T, C16292T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x W3 G16153A, C16223T, C16292T, C16294T, T16519C, A73G, T152C, A189G, C194T, T195C, T199C, T204C, G207A, A263G, 309.1C, 315.1C (Kurds from Iraq; Al-Zahery et al., 2012)
1x W4a C16223T, C16292T, C16286T (Kurds from Iran; Quintana-Murci et al., 2004)
1x W6 with C16292T, C16192T, C16223T,  T16324C (=W6) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)
1x X with T16189C, C16278T, C16186T (=X+C16186T) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Full mtDNA sequence of haplogroup U1a1

Today, I want to present the latest results of haplogroup U1a1. Haplogroup U1a1 got my attention a while ago, since we have already three Kurdish individuals with U1a1 I thought to give it another post.

Kurds with U1a1:
1x U1a1 (Zaza)
1x U1a1 (Sorani)
1x U1a1 with A16182C, A16183C, T16189C, T16249C (=U1a1) (Kurds from Georgia; Comas et al., 2000)

For the first time, we have the full mtDNA sequence of a Kurd (Sorani) with U1a1.

Of course, I compared the data of this Kurdish individual with other complete U1a1 mtDNA sequences. It turns out that he has the G9575A mutation, so he belongs to U1a1a.

Based on mtDNA haplogroup predictor his mtDNA turned out to be haplogroup U1a1a.

Best mtDNA Haplogroup Matches:
1) U1a1a
Defining Markers for haplogroup U1a1a:
HVR2: 73G 263G 285T 385G
CR: 750G 1438G 2218T 2706G 3158.1T 3591A 4769G 4991A 6026A 7028T 7581C 8860G 9575A 11467G 11719A 12308G 12372A 12879C 13104G 13422G 14070G 14364A 14766T 15148A 15326G 15954C
HVR1: 16189C 16249C

Marker path from rCRS to haplogroup U1a1a (plus extra markers):
H2a2a1(rCRS) 263G ⇨ H2a2a 8860G 15326G ⇨ H2a2 750G ⇨ H2a 4769G ⇨ H2 1438G ⇨ H 2706G 7028T ⇨ HV 14766T ⇨ R0 73G 11719A ⇨ R 11467G 12308G 12372A ⇨ U 285T 12879C 13104G 14070G 15148A 15954C 16249C ⇨ U1 2218T 14364A 16189C ⇨ U1a'c 4991A 6026A 7581C ⇨ U1a 385G 3158.1T 3591A 13422G ⇨ U1a1 9575A ⇨ U1a1a (309.1C) (315.1C) (523-) (524-) 573.1C 573.2C 2836T 4659A 10283G (16182C) (16183C) (16519C)

Good Match! Your results also had extra markers for this haplogroup:
Matches(32): 73G 263G 285T 385G 750G 1438G 2218T 2706G 3158.1T 3591A 4769G 4991A 6026A 7028T 7581C 8860G 9575A 11467G 11719A 12308G 12372A 12879C 13104G 13422G 14070G 14364A 14766T 15148A 15326G 15954C 16189C 16249C
Extras(5): (309.1C) (315.1C) (523-) (524-) 573.1C 573.2C 2836T 4659A 10283G (16182C) (16183C) (16519C)

Compared to other U1a1 individuals he has one unique mutation: A10283G.

The Sorani Kurd is sharing two mutations with the Indian samples HM156682(India) Govindaraj: C2836T and G4659A, so this seems to be a new branch of U1a1a.

The latest complete U1a1 sequence is an individual from the Behar study and one individual from Finland:
142783     Britta Laurintytar Kruskopp, Kannus? Suomi
Both belong to U1a1b, a different branch (highlighted in green).