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Saturday, July 7, 2012

R1a1a L657+

In my previous post I used my approach to look into Y-STR67 values of individuals of the FTDNA R1a1a and Subclades Y-DNA Project.

Today, I want to risk a deeper look into L657+. (2. D. Z93+ L342+ L657+ Central&Southwest Asia). Here are the Top30 matches of the L657+ Modal haplotype:

Obviously, the L657+ cluster is not narrow at all. The closest L657+ individuals to the  L657+ Modal haplotype are from the Arabian peninsula (one exception: N2358 Philip, Ayroor, Kerala, India).

L657+ shows high variance, a lot of L657+ are not in the Top30 matches of the modal haplotype. For some of those we have additional information about the location:

M6986 (#52),
M7443 (#61),
N102178 (#74),     Pakistan
N22414 (#80),       India
M6736 (#81),        Iran
M7417 (#82),
U2810 (#83),         Pakistan
112208 (#94),        Kazakhstan
M6740 (#95),        Saudi-Arabia
216619 (#104),      Pakistan
N12617 (#119),     India
U2321 (#128)        India

I want to discuss the bolded ones a bit.

N102178    (Mehrdad, Lahore/Pakistan).
N102178 is clear outlier.

N22414    (Luddan Singh Ranu, 1800s, Manki, Punjab/India)
N22414 shows some similarities to U2321 who is also from Punjab/India.

 M6736    (Iran)
M6736 is similar to L657+ individuals from the Arabian peninsula (one exception: N2358 Philip, Ayroor, Kerala, India).

 U2810    (Tharn Bajwa 1890 Pakistan)
U2810 shows small similarities to L657+ individuals from the Arabian peninsula
112208    (Babasan tribe from Northern Kazakhstan)
112208 is a clear outlier.

M6740    (Mecca/Saudi Arabia)
M6740 shows small similarities to L657+ individuals from the Arabian peninsula.

 216619    (K Khan Qureshi, c.1830-1900 Pakistan)
216619 is a clear outlier. Interestingly, he shows some similarities to one individual, 209438 from Bitlis close to Lake Van. Unfortunately 209438 did not test for L657.

N12617    (Jagarnath Dixit ca 1490-1550 India)
N12617 is a clear outlier.

U2321  (Amar Sandhu, Jalandhar, Punjab, India)
U2321 shows some similarities to N22414 who is also from Punjab/India (see above).

1. The L657+ group does not show a clear narrow cluster when looking at Y-STR67 values.
2. Just the individuals from the Arabian peninsula show a cluster.
3. The L657+ individuals of the "Al Tamimi" and the "Al Rass" family (Saudi-Arabia) seem to be very closely related.
4. The high number of "Al Rass"/"Al Tamimi"  data in the FTDNA L657+ group (5/22) is shifting the modal haplotype towards Saudi Arabia. Thus, I am proposing an adjusted modal haplotype for L657+.

Changes are listed below:

DYS391 DYS389i DYS389ii Y-GATA-H4 DYS607 CDYa CDYb DYS534 DYS444
FTDNA 10 13 30 11 17 36 40 13 14
Adjusted 11 14 31 12 16 35 41 14 13

 Here are the Top30 matches of the adjusted L657+ Modal haplotype:

Now, the closest to modal haplotype is the L657+ individual N2358 Philip, Ayroor, Kerala, India followed by L657+ individuals from the Arabian peninsula ("Al Rass"/"Al Tamimi" families).

Still, a lot of L657+ are not in the Top30 matches of the modal haplotype but they moved up in the ranking (new number in italic):

M6986 (#52==>#39),
M7443 (#61==>#5),
N102178 (#74==>#54),     Pakistan
N22414 (#80==>#9),       India
M6736 (#81==>#37),        Iran
M7417 (#82==>#59),
U2810 (#83==>#105),         Pakistan
112208 (#94==>#46),        Kazakhstan
M6740 (#95==>#62),        Saudi-Arabia
216619 (#104==>#110),      Pakistan
N12617 (#119==>#123),     India
U2321 (#128==>#67)        India

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